Quality of sexual life and subjective well-being after treatment of patients with cervical cancer: an exploration of the different stages
DOI: 10.54647/cm321152 64 Downloads 5571 Views
Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the sexual function and subjective well-being of the CCSs in different stages, and to explore the relationship between sexual function and subjective well-being.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was used to investigate the sexual function and subjective well-being for CCSs(N=212). Basic demographic information about the CCSs was collected. Data were analyzed by a one-way analysis of variance and Pearson correlation analysis.
Results: The total scores of Female Sexual Function Index and Index of Well-being were different in different stages(P<0.001). As the stage progressed, both the sexual function index and well-being index was decreased. The Female Sexual Function Index in stage I to IV scores ranged from was 19.86(SD=7.53) to 2.12(SD=0.44), and Index of Well-being scores ranged from 7.91(SD=2.04) to 3.97(SD=0.90). From sub-dimension of sexual function and subjective well-being analysis, CCSs had different symptoms in different stages. In the Pearson correlation analysis, there was a positive correlation between sexual function and subjective well-being(R2=0.5214,P<0.001).
Conclusions: The quality of sexual life and subjective well-being of CCSs varied by stage, and the higher quality of sexual life, the higher subjective well-being. Health care workers should improve the awareness of sexual problems and provide personalized care according to different situations.
Uterine cervical neoplasms, Sexual dysfunction, Quality of life, Subjective well-being, A cross-sectional study
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Yan Shi, Meijiao He, Meichen Weng, Xunjun Liao, Jun Cai,
Quality of sexual life and subjective well-being after treatment of patients with cervical cancer: an exploration of the different stages
, SCIREA Journal of Clinical Medicine.
Volume 8, Issue 4, August 2023 | PP. 223-239.
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