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The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) revolution has not only opened up new opportunities for economic growth and social development but has also posed problems and challenges. It can shape and enhance wide range of developmental applications in agriculture, industry and social sectors and is influencing all sections of the society. ICT provides unique opportunities for human development. It is necessary to build up women capacities to involve them in productive activities, institutional building, family and social transformation, decision-making process, political representation, trade and commerce, entrepreneurial development and social leadership. There is a need to enhance opportunities to women to enable them to own, manage and control industries and service enterprises including IT-based units. ICT has to address to all these problems of women as a whole and has to be used to facilitate to build a women developed society.
Information & Communication Technology, Social development, Women Development, ICT Tools, (Knowledge Network System).
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, SCIREA Journal of Education.
Volume 1, Issue 1, December 2016 | PP. 88-98.
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